OpenStack Zed, StarlingX 7.0, Kata Containers 3.0.0, & Zuul 7.0.0
Learn the latest from OpenStack community leaders about what was delivered in Zed and what we can expect in Antelope, OpenStack’s 27th release targeting early 2023.
Here are a few severe vulnerabilities discovered in OpenStack over the past few years, codified as common vulnerability enumerations (CVEs).
Meet the volunteers from Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, Texas, and Turkey who volunteer their time to provide localized opportunities to get involved and collaborate with the OpenInfra community.
The OpenInfra Summit is heading to Canada!
Learn the importance of having a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) with OpenStack in this week’s episode of OpenInfra Live.
Project Teams Gathering, upcoming releases, and more!
OpenStack’s 12th Birthday, OpenInfra Days & the OpenStack Antelope release!
OpenInfra Summit Recap, upcoming events, project updates, and more!
This article talks about the VNF LCM Emulator that has been developed by the ETSI Industry Specification Group for Network Functions Virtualization (ISG NFV) and its Solutions (SOL) Working Group with an aim to facilitate a “try-and-learn” approach to understanding lifecycle management (LCM) of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs)