
This week in Quoted! user groups are beginning to celebrate OpenStack’s 4th birthday and the community is talking about the value and promise of open source technology.


Listen into the latest OpenStack chatter from around the web this week. Here’s what the community is talking about:

"We definitely see great value in open source technologies like OpenStack. They foster continuous technological improvements through community contributions, while also giving us the ability to quickly address challenges, such as massive scaling, by leveraging the work of others.”Tim Bell of CERN in ComputerWeekly.com

“No single company can hope to compete with a growing open-source community, whatever its current advantages”Matt Asay in ReadWrite

"A year ago the hallway conversations were about functional abilities in OpenStack (‘Does it work yet?’), whereas at this Summit the hallway conversations were about the most effective operations (‘We know it works. How can we optimize operations?’)."Aaron Delp in EnterpriseTech

We feature user conversations throughout the week, so tweet, blog, or email us your thought!
